Alltime RM 1v1 Leaderboard for Poland

Country Poland (alltime)
Average Elo 984.5
Min / Max Elo 47 / 2775
Players 2264
Players in Top 100 3
Players in Top 100 (alltime) 3
# Player Rating Streak Matches Wins Win rate Last match
1st _Barles_ 2775 +3 3001 1911 63.68 % 8 hours ago
2nd Barles_ 2504 +1 257 198 77.04 %
3rd JackK 2417 +1 2232 1228 55.02 % 4 days, 9 hours ago
4th Dziamdziak 2325 +2 2382 1224 51.39 % 4 days, 8 hours ago
5th Argh 2261 -1 3475 1754 50.47 % 6 days, 13 hours ago
6th ELEOS | ElNoniro 2216 +1 372 243 65.32 % 3 months, 3 weeks ago
7th 私は一人で戦う 2152 +2 64 60 93.75 % 7 months, 2 weeks ago
7th |||||||||||| 2152 -1 58 56 96.55 % 4 months, 1 week ago
9th __REX__ 2112 -1 1057 596 56.39 %
10th To ja 2107 -1 62 57 91.94 %
11th Dobbs351 2127 +2 4901 2562 52.27 % 8 hours ago
12th ELEOS | Loniowsky 2079 +3 536 302 56.34 %
13th Zastosy 2075 +1 282 175 62.06 %
14th I like random 2071 +10 53 50 94.34 %
15th #&# 2070 0 0 0
16th Inonano Inono 2069 +6 55 52 94.55 %
17th Kmicic 2062 -1 65 59 90.77 %
18th 150APM 1991 +4 73 61 83.56 %
19th To ja :) 1980 +1 52 47 90.38 %
20th PL_GramBezMonitora 1963 -1 47 44 93.62 %
21st =)=)=) 1947 +3 47 45 95.74 %
22nd xXx_[123456789]_xXx 1946 +39 39 39 100.00 %
23rd PickujGotha 1937 +1 167 106 63.47 %
24th Bane 1921 0 0 0
25th Tak, to ja 1910 -1 58 49 84.48 %
26th PL_Hitorek 1908 +1 777 420 54.05 % 1 week, 2 days ago
27th _I_lost_my_mind 1907 +7 58 49 84.48 %
28th PL_HITO 1903 +4 405 225 55.56 % 1 week ago
29th PL_Hitorek 1902 +4 801 429 53.56 % 4 days, 12 hours ago
30th 1 ELEOS | DaaLon 1891 -3 2343 1207 51.52 % 3 days, 6 hours ago
31st 1 ANFO 1885 -2 918 503 54.79 % 17 hours ago
32nd 1 I am an illusion 1883 +37 37 37 100.00 %
33rd 1 |||||| 1879 +4 103 88 85.44 %
34th 2 TheKroks 1914 -2 1736 902 51.96 % 13 hours ago
35th Alpha_Portal 1875 -5 179 110 61.45 %
36th Afromamut 1874 +4 419 233 55.61 % 1 week, 6 days ago
37th PL_Mirek 1863 +1 150 97 64.67 % 10 months, 1 week ago
38th I Like Pizza 1850 +7 35 34 97.14 %
39th Zapraszam Do Tańca 1845 +50 53 50 94.34 %
40th Wierny sługa GwizdKa 1825 +1 2534 1288 50.83 % 4 months, 2 weeks ago
41st Red_Panda 1805 -2 1909 962 50.39 % 1 week, 4 days ago
42nd Kubiasty 1800 +6 2249 1145 50.91 % 6 days, 11 hours ago
43rd VonLibov 1789 +5 983 514 52.29 % 5 days, 16 hours ago
44th Iamnoob 1783 +3 51 42 82.35 %
45th Average 1700 Player 1764 +3 29 28 96.55 %
46th ERROR 404 1752 -1 158 95 60.13 % 5 days, 12 hours ago
47th Higurashi 1750 +1 45 26 57.78 %
48th 1 ELEOS | Xarkey 1741 +3 98 71 72.45 % 6 months, 1 week ago
49th 1 Majestatyczny 1734 0 0 0
50th 1 Firebeer 1727 +4 440 241 54.77 % 5 days, 7 hours ago
51st 3 Smark 1666 +1 1860 950 51.08 % 7 hours ago
52nd PL_IGNAZIO 1701 +3 888 459 51.69 %
53rd 1 βασιλεύς 1700 +1 87 58 66.67 % 19 hours ago
54th 1 Black_Krrsantan 1696 +2 28 26 92.86 %
55th 6 Stark 1683 +5 149 90 60.40 % 1 day, 8 hours ago
56th 1 Jarvin 1680 +1 2383 1207 50.65 % 5 days, 8 hours ago
57th 1 RRWW 1671 +4 129 79 61.24 %
58th 1 Saga 1670 +4 1216 627 51.56 % 9 months, 3 weeks ago
59th 1 Jarosław Sław awww 1668 -6 235 130 55.32 %
60th 1 Marian 1667 +3 148 89 60.14 %
61st 1 Kubiasty_PL 1666 -4 101 63 62.38 % 2 months, 2 weeks ago
62nd 1 t๏tคlเк๏ร 1663 -1 292 165 56.51 % 1 week, 2 days ago
63rd 1 nino 1658 +1 108 64 59.26 %
63rd 1 Loniowsky 1658 -2 77 44 57.14 %
65th 1 DsawerO 1652 -6 945 497 52.59 %
66th 11 PL_Piter 1694 +1 5197 2604 50.11 % 7 hours ago
67th Matthew Mara 1648 +1 82 58 70.73 % 4 months, 2 weeks ago
68th FUZZY 1645 -3 1221 629 51.52 % 6 months ago
69th 21 pawawel 1553 +1 2444 1246 50.98 % 6 hours ago
70th 1 Morovun 1637 -1 271 151 55.72 % 6 months, 2 weeks ago
70th 1 Seven4Ever 1637 +4 426 228 53.52 %
72nd 1 Kamp5r 1633 +2 2494 1270 50.92 %
73rd 1 Firebeer 1632 +4 47 35 74.47 %
74th 4 BlackJack3560 1627 +1 5510 2779 50.44 % 20 hours ago
75th 2 TheBouli 1626 +4 579 304 52.50 % 7 months ago
76th 2 konradm87 1624 -4 5088 2556 50.24 % 6 months, 1 week ago
76th 2 Freya™ 1624 +4 159 98 61.64 % 5 days, 14 hours ago
78th 2 AfricanSwineFever 1615 +1 1734 880 50.75 % 3 months, 1 week ago
79th Tatra Pils 1612 0 0 0
79th CristinaLover 1612 -1 386 207 53.63 %
81st 1 OS | Pilot 1609 +18 18 18 100.00 %
82nd 1 Gluszczi 1624 +2 613 322 52.53 % 7 hours ago
82nd 3 Prodiż 1607 +14 87 56 64.37 % 2 weeks, 1 day ago
84th 1 Surist 1604 +1 28 11 39.29 % 6 months, 4 weeks ago
85th 1 AfricanSwineFever 1603 -1 479 253 52.82 %
86th 1 StAnd 1600 -1 2400 1217 50.71 % 4 months, 2 weeks ago
87th 1 ForeveR 1598 -3 243 134 55.14 % 2 months, 2 weeks ago
88th 1 Barnabas 1596 +3 83 55 66.27 %
89th 1 ALBA AQUILA 1592 +2 70 46 65.71 %
89th 28 sane 1595 +3 1154 595 51.56 % 9 hours ago
91st 1 Harry Pioter 1590 +1 909 469 51.60 % 4 months, 1 week ago
92nd 1 8255 1589 +2 131 75 57.25 %
93rd 1 Na halincy dva kruki 1587 +3 157 90 57.32 %
94th 1 shanavii 1583 +1 380 204 53.68 %
95th 1 AkilanSpawn 1581 +4 93 57 61.29 %
96th 1 washed up unskilled noob 1580 +2 881 458 51.99 % 3 days, 7 hours ago
97th 2 MC_IT 1573 +2 193 106 54.92 %
98th 2 JebacPis 1570 0 0 0
99th 2 pumpernikiel 1567 +1 107 65 60.75 %
100th 2 MortiS 1564 +1 759 389 51.25 %