AoE2 Insights is a community page for Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, providing comprehensive player profiles along with detailed match analysis capabilities. Moreover we supply you with useful and interesting information along with info graphics about AoE2 DE. Our player-centric website is built from players for players and with much dedication to the game we all love. We seek to give every Age of Empires player a home and the attention he or she deserves, because the players and the community as a whole takes a huge part of why AoE2 is such a great game. Although we are still in active development, we already provide extensive player profiles and user friendly leaderboards.
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AOE Leagues is back with Season 12! Sign up for balanced seeding, promotion/relegation, guaranteed fun times and wacky home map choices! Join the discord to sign up! Format AoE Leagues is a recurring 1v1 tournament entering its 12th season, with players split up into skill-based divisions battling it out to gain promotion and avoid relegation going into the next season. The league revolves around each player picking… read more
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