[Valhalla] The Otter One

aka. Fluff27362517, The Otter One, twitch.tv/the_otter_aoe
Team Valhalla Clan
Game Id: 283384 Is that you?

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1v1 RM
Rating 1608
All Time High: 1664
Team RM
Rating 1491
All Time High: 2016
1v1 EW
Team EW
Rating 1397
All Time High: 1397


[Valhalla] The Otter One is a German Age of Empires II player, who has played 6952 matches. Since [Valhalla] The Otter One is within the top 100 leaderboard in empire wars team games, he/she is considered one of the best players in the world.

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Last matches

09m 07s
13 hours ago
Black Forest
48m 15s
14 hours ago
Four Lakes
42m 21s
15 hours ago
Dm - Runestones Custom
14m 56s
16 hours ago
Dm - Runestones Custom
14m 06s
16 hours ago
Dm - Runestones Custom
23m 52s
17 hours ago
Rage Forest 5 - Official Map Custom
60m 15s
18 hours ago
Dm - Runestones Custom
46m 48s
20 hours ago
Dm - Runestones Custom
20m 58s
22 hours ago
Dm - Runestones Custom
13m 36s
22 hours ago